Netflix‘ The Crown has captivated global audiences with its fact-based dramatisation of the lives of the British Monarchs, arguably the best-known Royals in the world and in history. A new season has begun as we step into the achingly dramatic story of Diana Spencer, Princess Diana, as her marriage to Prince Charles is in tatters. Her tragic end feels raw even now in the series, as it did back in 1997. Sadness and inevitability haunt us as other important storylines develop for the Windsors. Meet Costume Designers Amy Roberts and Sidonie Roberts, series Set Decorator Alison Harvey and Hair and Makeup Designer Cate Hall the talent costumes, sets, hair and makeup artists that help make the series so bingeable, and Movement Coach Polly Bennett who shares fascinating revelations about Diana based on her body language. What She Said’ Anne Brodie spoke with them, settle in, this is fun.
The Final Season of The Crown begins Netflix Nov. 16