Everybody has heard the expression “Never burn bridges.” True to a certain extent. However, I’m talking about mental/emotional bridges that keep you linked to unhealthy things, behaviours and people. Hence, taking a match and setting those bridges on fire is, in fact, beneficial and essential to your mental well-being. It’ll break the link that’s causing you undue pain, holding you back, and also keeping you stuck. It’s empowering!
What doesn’t serve you in a healthy way drains you, brings sickness, diminishes you, and stops you from being your highest and best self. It creates clutter in the mind—a spider web of bridges linking you to an unhealthy way of life.

But how do you do this?
I can give you 5, 10, 20 ways; however, the most important and foremost is being intentional!
To be intentional, you must choose to make decisions and take action on what’s significant to you. You purposefully make a determination to effectively achieve a specific outcome that is of utmost importance to you.
Once you’ve decided to make the changes in your life in order to improve your mental well-being, and are intentional about the direction and approach you want to take to live the life that you truly desire, rather than living a life that just “happens” to you, it’s important that you do not just hold it as an idea in your head or a feeling in your heart. In order to see change, improvements and be effective, you must work out the steps in every detail.

As you’re taking action steps, remember everyone does things differently, personal to them. What will work for me, probably won’t work for you. My perspective on a matter may be different from your perspective. My approach to burning those unhealthy mental bridges may be different from your approach.
But in releasing yourself by thinking differently, you’ll be able to see things that matter to you in a more clear light and find your “I got it” approach (the “match” to burn those mental bridges). This means don’t compare yourself with others. You have far more interesting things to do with your life. You’re an original.
What is intentional? It is something done on purpose; premeditated, consciously planned; Something done in a way that is planned or intended, deliberate.

According to research, most people live approximately 96% of their lives on autopilot…not consciously (intentionally) thinking about the many things they’re doing daily.
For example, these knee-jerk autopilot decisions range from where we have lunch, to the clothes we wear, saying yes to an invitation when we wished we hadn’t, creeping an ex-partner or ex-friend on any and every form of social media, to replaying unhealthy mental movie reels in our heads.
Certainly, some of the decisions/thoughts we make on autopilot may be reasonably inconsequential. However, over the course of our life they can impact our lives in an unhealthy way, and ultimately harm our mental well-being.

“That’s easier said than done.”, you may think. Sure, it’s easier said than done, but it doesn’t mean it’s humanly impossible, not doable, unable to achieve or happen.
Being intentional is key.
At some point in your life, you’ll come to a place where you’ll say, “Enough is enough”…”I need a change”…”I can’t keep doing this to myself”…”I want…no I need to be happy”. This is when you’ll begin to do things on purpose…doing things in a way that is planned, intended, deliberate. It all starts in the mind first—mind management!
Life experiences, workplace or other environments, and social and economic circumstances shape our lives. What you do with the dark hours of life, the pains, and burdens you experience can become distractions. And you certainly can’t remain in the “valley”—we’re to walk through valley moments. These heart storms can provide the conviction to relentlessly pursue the dreams you have. It’s all in how you look at your situation. Change your perspective! Burning any unhealthy bridges, and allowing the heart storms to thrust you into your destiny (your purpose), will ignite your passion.

If you are being tormented by wrong or negative thoughts in your mind, challenge yourself to do what is necessary for your mental well-being, in order to enjoy life and deal with the challenges you face.
To leave behind those things that undermine your self-worth or emotional health, you must intentionally separate yourself from people, things, etc.
Some things to ponder on:
- If your deep desire is to become unstuck and stop the cycle of self-sabotage, you need to start thinking intentional thoughts.
- What does intentional thinking look like if you make it a practice?
- What action steps do you need to take to align your thoughts to the results you desire in order to move you forward?
- What can you do to create the awareness to think intentional thoughts daily?

Results derive from a strong desire for change.
Do you desire a change in your situation, your life? Then you must be intentional; you must be bursting with a strong desire for change. This is just the beginning of the steps you need to take to make a lasting change in your life.
Remember: What doesn’t serve you in a healthy way drains you, brings sickness, diminishes you, and stops you from being your highest and best self.
“Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.” ~ Dorothy Thompson
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Denise Chand is the co-founder of The Sacred Space Coaching & Consulting, a cognitive behavioural coach, building strength from vulnerability, and getting you unstuck.
Do you struggle with unhealthy friendships or relationships? Do you feel stuck in a rut? Have you lost motivation and inspiration? Do you feel burnt out?
If so, please contact The Sacred Space Coaching & Consulting by visiting the-sacredspace.com and one of our professional life coaches would be happy to speak with you.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this blog/site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider, who should also be consulted with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.