The ridiculously popular Netflix series about Emily, an American girl who works at an elite publicity house in Paris, continues. Her ex-pat adventures only ramp up to greater heights this season, with more fab clothes, working life adventures and romance. Surrounded by her circle of American and French friends, Emily’s life in the City of Lights is a heady experience – personal involvements, publicity launches, settling into the job and getting along with co-workers, celebrations of food and (iffy) champagne.
Creator Darren Star invites us to enter their glamourous world unencumbered by constraints the rest of us face. Emily’s gorgeous wardrobe would be impossible for a girl in her position but Star doesn’t care! It’s all about the fantasy, total wish fulfilment on steroids. What She Said’ Anne Brodie spoke with members of the cast from their homes in London, Paris, Los Angeles and beyond. Meet Lucas Bravo who plays Emily’s love interest and favourite chef Gabriel, and British actor Lucien Laviscount who plays Alfie, another of Emily’s love interests. Then meet Emily’s canny pr house boss Sylvie played by Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu with Samuel Arnold who plays Emily’s stylish work frenemy, Julien. Let’s start with Lily Collins as Emily, Ashley Park as her American bestie Mindy, and Camille Razat as Parisian pal Camille.
Emily in Paris, Season 2 launches on Netflix Dec 22.