As December unfolds, it’s a time to reflect on our health and well-being, especially with New Year’s resolutions on the horizon. This week’s episode of “What She Said” is brimming with valuable insights and advice, focusing on mental and physical well-being for you and your loved ones. Let’s dive into the enriching conversations lined up.
The Power of Vulnerability with Susan Blain
We start with Susan Blain, the brave founder of the Dare to Be Vulnerable (DTBV) Project. Susan’s journey through depression, panic disorder, and PTSD inspired her to create a platform promoting open discussions about mental health. Her story is a testament to hope and healing. She joins us to share her insights and the transformative power of vulnerability.

Anne Brodie’s Entertainment Roundup
Anne Brodie is back with her weekly entertainment insights. This week, we explore the Nordic film ‘Fallen Leaves,’ a poignant depiction of life’s subtler moments. We also delve into ‘Swan Song,’ a CBC docuseries celebrating Karen Kain’s legacy with the National Ballet of Canada, and take a glimpse at ‘The Buccaneers’ on Apple TV.

Understanding Diabetes with Dr. Christine Palmay
In our ‘Care to Know‘ segment, Dr. Christine Palmay enlightens us about diabetes, a prevalent health concern. Observing National Diabetes Awareness Month, she debunks myths and provides essential management advice for this chronic condition.

Men’s Health Focus: Prostate Awareness with Ludovic Brunel
We shift our attention to men’s health with Ludovic Brunel ND, representing New Roots Herbal. In line with Movember, we discuss the often-overlooked topic of prostate health, including prevention strategies for BPH. Ludovic offers crucial insights into this vital aspect of men’s health.

Dental Health in the Festive Season with Dr. Mandeep Johal
Wrapping up, Dr. Mandeep Johal returns for the ‘Smile Spectrum’ segment. She guides us through the impacts of cold weather on dental health and offers tips for managing sugary holiday temptations, ensuring our smiles stay bright through the festive season.

Whether you’re seeking to uplift your mental health, stay updated with entertainment, or gain valuable health insights, today’s show is a treasure trove of knowledge for nurturing both mind and body. Tune in to “What She Said” for these compelling stories and expert advice, ensuring a healthier, happier December.