Did you recently received a letter from a company called iDNS that asked you to switch your domain services to them asap? Or you are working with a web guy or web design company that is not ready to give you your website information? Well, don’t get scared but if you don’t do anything against this threat, you are on the verge of getting your domain & hosting and in some cases even the whole website hijacked!
Our expert from VOOFA – Vivek Raj Shivhare has his experience to share where he has received threatening emails and letters that have asked him to change his services to a third party new company that has never been heard of… Recently one such company that has been sending out mails to Godaddy.com and Hostgator customers, asking them to switch their services from legit services to them was iDNS. A company that is trying to get customers by sending mails that looks almost like a phone bill with a section in the letter, asking you to insert your credit card, bank account, cheque information and send it back to them. This is another domain name registry scam to push customers to change their services.
In other cases, the person involved in buying your domain name such as you web guy or web design company can scam you by not letting you know the accurate information about where you have bought the domain from and whose name is on the actual account. Ultimately, if you are not the one who owns the domain and hosting accounts, you are in trouble!
In order to avoid such scams, you must consult an expert. You can reach out to our web experts at VOOFA Solutions to help you with such queries. Visit: VOOFA or Email: info@voofasolutions.com