Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers and Braeden Clarke star as He and She, in Darlene Naponse’ Stellar; strangers drinking and talking in a bar in Sudbury, in a place not their own. Various odd characters come in and out, and the bartender played by Rossif Sutherland serves up the drinks. Conversations are far-reaching, odd, and disturbing. Looking out the bar’s front window they see but ignore the chaos – fires burning, chaos, panic, and people running for their lives. The indigenous creation story of a rift in the world that only He and She can repair melds with moments, decisions, and outcomes of their lives in surreal ways. Filmmaker Darlene Naponse adapted Stellar from her short story to create a stunning multilayered and haunting fable. What She Said’ Anne Brodie spoke with Naponse.
In theatres